Psychologically Informed Physiotherapy
Psychologically informed physiotherapy blends Cognitive Behavioural Treatment (CBT) strategies with a physiotherapy treatment approach for the prevention and management of persistent musculoskeletal pain. Strategies are introduced after a thorough clinical biopsychosocial assessment. An individual, interactive and person-centred case formulation outlines possible contributing biological pain mechanisms and psycho-social factors.
‘Pain neuroscience education’ forms an integral part of psychologically informed physiotherapy practice and aims to improve a person’s understanding of the nature of their pain. This inquiry provides the basis on which to then further explore lifestyle factors of wellbeing, for example nutrition and sleep hygiene, as well as movement and gait analysis.
The efficacy for Psychologically informed physiotherapy has been examined in several randomized trials, in comparison to standard physiotherapy, for complex pain problems. Making sense of pain and its contributing factors facilitates our personal resourcefulness in order to improve outcomes of disability, physical function, and pain.
Yoga Informed Physiotherapy
Yoga informed Physiotherapy is a gentle, biomechanically sound movement instruction based on Hatha yoga. It draws on poses (“asanas”) and breathing (“pranayama”) techniques that are found across traditional yoga styles such as Vinyasa, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Restorative and Yin. It empowers individuals to understand and practice key shapes of yoga with the close care of a physiotherapist utilising, where needed, modifications to suit the individual. This will allow the individual to establish a home practice or to confidently and safely (re-)join a group yoga class.
The yoga poses and their transitions offer valuable proprioceptive retraining across a series of joints, as well as fostering musculoskeletal recruitment, strength training and balance. By working with the whole body an injured body part can be re-integrated and re-embodied into movement kinematics. At an emotional level, forming a more helpful relationship to subtle sensations arising through movement will help to restore trust in the body. These mindful movements can help reset the autonomic nervous system and are therefore regarded as a “meditation in action”.
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Musculoskeletal injuries are commonplace for people of all ages and stages. Whether the injury has happened at work, on the road, in the sporting arena or during day to day life, it is important to have an up to date, personalised rehabilitation program. Physiotherapy care for acute injuries and niggling pains is vital, to ensure full and complete recovery and reduce the likelihood of re-injury or persistent pain. Treatment strategies will involve evidence-based advice and education, hands on therapy and rehabilitative exercise. If an injury is recurrent, it is important to determine contributing physical and habitual factors, and to make appropriate modifications. The aim of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy is to facilitate the body’s intuitive wisdom to adapt and recover by making sure all pieces are in place for effective rehabilitation.
Workcover Pain Education Sessions
Pain Education is a targeted pilot program by Workcover for injured workers who may be developing a persistent pain condition. Workers with, or at risk of developing, persistent pain may benefit from the addition of pain education sessions with an APA titled pain physiotherapist in combination with other treatment. Workcover supports 6 sessions with an APA titled pain physiotherapist, which can be delivered face to face or via Telehealth. This is an optional service for an injured worker to assist with their recovery, if they choose to be involved.